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Educational Fitness Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 2283

Elkhart, IN 46515


Phone (toll free): (877) 869-0103
Fax: (866) 441-3711
Email: info@edfit.com

We're ready to help.

If you're ready to take your college, university, or community college to the next level or your institution is in need of consulting services, give us a call. We sincerely hope to form a partnership with your school or company. 

Our programs include the resources and structure that is economical and user-friendly for students and administrators. 

If you have additional questions please email us at info@edfit.com or call us toll free at (877) 869-0103.  
We look forward to exploring the future together.

You know you're ready to start when:

  • You are a 2 or 4 year college or university that would like to take a leadership role in offering your adult community new educational certificate programs and courses in health, fitness, and personal training.
  • You would like to secure an economical and easy to manage program for your school.
  • You would like to offer new courses to generate additional revenues for your continuing education department.
  • You need to add value to your college or university.
  • You don't have enough staff to get it done by yourself.
  • You have an existing exercise science or fitness college certificate or degree program that needs improvement, restructuring, and the incorporation of a more in-depth curriculum specializing in health, fitness, and personal fitness training.
  • You need to develop systems to organize, manage, and train your health and fitness department.
  • You would like to offer a certificate program that attracts students to your schools other academic programs in health or the exercise sciences.


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