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Online Certificate Program:
National Posture Institute's

Certified Posture Specialist


The Online Certified Posture Specialist (CPS) certificate program prepares personal trainers and health/medical/fitness professionals to assess and educate their clients/patients in all areas of posture and body alignment. The certificate program is taught in module format and includes the complete certificate course, quizzes, and the final certificate exam required to graduate. This program is offered in both an instructor led and a non-instructor led format. 




Certificate Structure


Module 1: Introduction to Posture and Body Alignment
Module 2: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Physiology
Module 3: Posture Analysis, Assessment and Evaluation
Module 4:

Exercise Program Design

Module 5: Business Concepts, Client Education and Management



Certificate Format

This program is presented in Five Modules and students can complete the program at their own pace with unlimited access over Three (3) months.  Once completed you will walk away with a National Posture institute - Certified Posture Specialist Designation!


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