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Online Certificate Program:
Sports Nutrition and Performance

Program Coordinator:  Melissa Halas-Liang, MA, RD, CDE

The Online Professional Certificate in Sports Nutrition and Performance has been designed to meet the growing demand for Registered Dietitians, DTRs, personal trainers, athletic trainers, allied health/medical and fitness professionals, and the general public who want to learn about developing individualized sports nutrition programs for clients, patients, or for personal improvement. This Web-based Certificate program provides an in-depth examination of contemporary nutritional topics such as advanced sports nutrition, vitamin/protein supplementation, functional food implementation, antioxidants, and meal plan analysis for optimal performance. 




Certificate Structure


Module 1:
Course 1: Nutrition and You: Functional Foods
Course 2: Weight Management and Nutrition in the Lifecycle
Module 2:  
Course 3: Introduction to Sports Nutrition and Performance
Course 4:

Public Nutrition and Wellness Education



Certificate Format

The certificate program's required four core courses have been designed to be completed in as little as three months or students have up to one year if necessary. 

  • The On-line Certificate program format has been designed to be taken in two consecutive modules. 
  • Students may elect to enroll in courses one at a time, as they are offered.
  • Students are provided with 8 weeks of access per course.
  • Courses are offered in an OPEN ENROLLMENT format, meaning students can register and begin courses at any time.


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