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Online Certificate Program:
Personal Training and Group Exercise Training for Older Adults

Program Coordinator:  Natalie Johnson, MS, NPI-CPS

The Online Professional Certificate in Personal Training and Group Exercise Training for Older Adults was designed to establish a national standard to ensure the development of safe and effective exercise programs for older adults by personal trainers and allied health/medical and fitness professionals. 

The program is designed to prepare graduating students for a career working with older adults at senior centers, medically-based fitness facilities, retirement communities, YMCA/JCC’s, hospitals, community wellness programs, personal training studios, physical therapy clinics, long-term care facilities, corporate fitness centers, collegiate settings, and private and commercial health clubs. 


Certificate Structure


Module 1:
Course 1: Socio-Physiological Aspects of Aging
Course 2: Designing Older Adult Exercise Programs
Module 2:  
Course 3: Business Management and Administration for the Mature Market
Course 4:

Exercise and Aging for Special Populations

Module 3:  
Course 5: Optional Elective-Field Internship in Senior Fitness Training

Certificate Format

The certificate program's required four core courses, including the optional field internship elective have been designed to be completed in as little as three months or students have up to one year if necessary.  

  • The On-line Certificate program format has been designed to be taken in two consecutive modules. 
  • Students may elect to enroll in courses one at a time, as they are offered.
  • Students are provided with 8 weeks of access per course.
  • Courses are offered in an OPEN ENROLLMENT format, meaning students can register and begin courses at any time.


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