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Educational Product Development

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Educational Product Development

Understanding Students/Fitness Professionals Needs

The process begins with a solid understanding of the current and future state of the health, fitness, and medical industry and understanding a student’s professional and educational needs. What content, curriculum, and subject matter will determine the success of a graduating student?   How would a student like the academic program to be delivered? EFS is continually evaluating the industry and collegiate environment making sound decisions in the delivery of fitness and health education.  Our team of subject matter experts creates top-quality educational products that students can access through the internet or locally—either at their desktops, in conference rooms, homes, or in classrooms at colleges or universities.

Fulfillment and Customer Support

EFS offers a complete suite of support services to ensure that our college partners and students enjoy a high-quality educational experience without taxing your internal resources. We offer the following support services:

  • Course material administration, inventory management, and fulfillment
  • Customer support and administration


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